It's sometimes funny how today's society is much more messed up than ever. Our generation is seen through the eyes of the critics of today's world as "Miley Cyrus Wannabes" and "wanting to get pregnant" and "having the desire to live glamourously and lustfully." There are some truth to this because we are part of this society. We all know that everything I have just mentioned has already happened and still occurring today. I sometimes feel that the people living in the Old Testament had a better chance to worship God than the people now or even the New Testament. Which is kind of ironic considering they weren't able to be in a direct relationship with God. Now that we are able to through Jesus, why have we gotten so astray?
So, I have been reading the book of Daniel, and I have realized how much of his life I do not know. Everyone heard about the story of Daniel in the lion's den, but I have never KNOWN about the WHOLE life of Daniel. To those who haven't read Daniel (like me), I will give a recap for chapters 1-5, because chapter 6 is the book I want to talk about today...
So the first chapter is about Daniel and his friends entering the King's palace to basically work for him. Daniel refuses to eat his royal foods and instead eats vegetables and drinks water. Of course, he and his friends are healthier and more wise, so the king promotes them. The second chapter is about King Nebuchadnezzar (I can spell his name now! yay:)) and his dreams. He calls all the magical communities but no one can interpret his dreams. Daniel interprets them - the huge statues of gold, silver, bronze, iron, clay shows the degradation of his kingdom after his reign. The King is amazed and says praise be to Daniel's God. The third is about King Nebuchadnezzar and his gold statue. After saying praise be to God, he goes and makes a huge statue for others to worship. Daniel's friends - Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego do not, gets thrown in the fire, and the King is amazed because there are four people in the furnace. He takes them out, says glory to God, and promotes the three men. Fourth chapter is the King's dream about the tree and how his earthly indulgences have led him to a faith to live like an animal until he realizes that God is God. Chapter 5 - His son succeeds him to the throne, and drinks from the cup he stole from the temple in Jerusalem. A huge hand comes and write something on the wall, everyone is terrified, and calls Daniel. Daniel interprets that it is time for the King's end, which is fulfilled that night.
I guess I think the Old testament had a "better connection with God" because of all these in-the-face signs. Since I don't SEE with my naked eye a hand writing on the wall, I feel like we don't have a intimate relationship with God. But the reason is not because of the time we are living in, but how attentive we are when God is speaking to us. The world has corrupted and changed so much over the years, it's like listening to God in a storm. Can you hear your friend speaking all the way across the country? Of course not. (Unless you have skype or a phone or internet, or etc). But directly, we cannot hear the Lord with our naked ears. The good thing about our corrupt society is that it is all the more challenging and REWARDING when we have an intimate relationship and conversation with God. The hard part is, finding Him in our storms. Whenever I have a problem, I do run to God... sometimes. Most of the time I am yelling at Him, telling Him, "THIS is what YOU WANTED. I DID IT AND THIS IS THE RESULT. YOU HAVE GOT TO KIDDING ME. THIS IS WACK. I give up. I am not doing this anymore. You can't tell me to live according to your law in an earthy world. It's NOT. POSSIBLE."
But it is. In God's eyes, the word "impossible" doesn't exist. And it's proven with Jesus and other great men who lived in both the Old Testament times and the New. They were able to face indulgences, draw a line, and live above it.
Chapter 6 of Daniel explains just this. A great man who was SO intimate with God, even before Jesus, and was able to follow Him step by step. For me, I want to succeed in this world. I want to rise above and be respected in my profession. I know some people think this isn't the purpose of a Christian life. It probably isn't. But As I read in Daniel 6 today, I know that what God wants is what matters. He also needs people on the front line of the battle. Jesus once prayed to God before he was crucified to allow his people to be IN the world, yet not be OF the world. Whatever we want to do in the future, whether it involves becoming a missionary doctor or becoming a political leader in your hometown, God will use you wherever you go. I truly believe He doesn't want everyone to be a missionary, though lots of people think I should do it too. He needs us in the world so we can KNOW how the people live, and live above that. You also have to know how others live so you can counteract worldly wisdom and put God in there for people around you to be saved as well. I truly believe that God wants some of us to be highly respected in our society so they can be an example of a blessed individual in God's eyes. His only concern is the temptations we will face and our walk away from Him. However, if we only focus our eyes of Jesus and live like Daniel who knew nothing but God, anything is possible.
So in Chapter 6, Daniel became one of three administrators over a kingdom ruled by Darius (since the other king died). That's a pretty high honor for someone who was exiled. But not only that, Daniel's respect was gained because the people believe he was one with the holy God. The king was so pleased with him, that "...he planned to set him over the whole kingdom." - Daniel 6:3 WOW. Now that's major power. All from the grace of God. Afterall, Daniel was "so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities..." Daniel 6:3
Now the problem we all face - jealously. The other two administrators are NOT going to be happy if Daniel has so much power. Neither are the King's nobles. So what do they do if they see a threat? Of course find faults in him. That's another thing about Daniel: "They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent." Daniel 6:4
It is SOOO hard in this life to not be corrupt and tempted. But they faced similar struggles in the past; yet, Daniel was able to stay so pure through the grace of God. His trust with God and his dedication to God with his LIFE, made him not guilty of anything. Of course, the nobles try to find a fault and so they trick the King into making a rule so everyone has to pray to only him for the next thirty days. If they don't, they get thrown into the lion's den. Daniel goes to his room, distressed, and prays to God for help. Daniel found his higher authority and obeyed a holy rule instead of the earthly ones - There are no other gods other than the Holy God. You only pray to ONE GOD. Not a man-king. It's VERY DIFFICULT to obey this rule especially today. There is only one God, but sometimes we find ourselves worshipping inanimate objects more than God. For example, forgetting to do your QTs with God and instead surfing the internet everyday. We put everything before God and think, "Oh, He loves me, He'll forgive me." He will, but breaking one of His biggest commandments is not going to fly with Him.
Anyways, Daniel gets caught by the group of men wanting to see his doom, and they go to the king to throw Daniel into the lion's den. Another thing about life we can see in the life of Daniel's - there are always going to be people who will compete with you to see your doom. In school, at work, and even at home - people who are overtaken by jealously will try to stop your path from achieving greatness. So what did Daniel do? He prayed. Three times a day. He humbled himself to God and did not try to take on the group of men by revenge or boasting about himself. He meekly prayed to God. Another hard thing to do - be meek and humble. Hey, if God is with us, what can we fear? Who are we scared of? Who can mess with us? Having God on your side doesn't mean your better than anyone else - it means use that connection to help others to bring them to Christ. Always be humble - with God, and with the people around you.
We all know how this story ends - Daniel is saved by God's angel who saved him from the lions. If I was in that same position - I don't think I would have acted all calm like Daniel was. I would've panicked, blamed God for leading me to my demise, and cursed Him out. And if God decided to save me even after all that, I would've come out and cursed out the King for his ignorance and sent all the nobles to hell. But I pray that I will learn to live my life similar to Daniel's - giving my whole life to God, and knowing that he has my back. To not be controlled by anger or jealousy, but live with the peace of Jesus.
Also, don't let the fear of not succeeding get you down, because when God says He has big plans for you - He means BIG. HUGE. ENORMOUS. So big you cannot imagine. Like Daniel- who rose in authority in God's eyes, and therefore on earth. You can totally reach your success as long as it is on the path with God's, and you can give up your whole life for Him.
Amen to that.
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I like the tag "lions." And the shout out to medical missionaries. And the part where you relate humility to prayer-- I understand my g chat status (1 Peter 5:7) better now after that.